We all have our favorite seasons and mine is definitely summer.  Yes, the heat can be unbearable at times but since I despise cold weather so much, I dare not complain. I think summer teaches us how to handle the heat of life when it becomes unbearable. Sometimes you just need to grin and bear it.  Like the changing of the seasons and the passing of time, the heat eventually subsides. Summer also brings our senses to life. I love the smell, taste and sounds of summer. Meat on a grill, the feeling of sun on my skin (yes, my doctor has told me to wear more sunscreen), the sound of kids chasing fire fly’s and of aluminum striking a baseball and my favorite of all, the smell of fresh cut grass.

Although the thermostat will still register past ninety for another month or so, the passing of Labor Day and the start of football season signal the end of this season and the beginning of another. With only a few days remaining in the summer fashion season, I’m trying to wear as much seersucker as possible prior to the clock striking twelve on Labor Day.

It was about this time last year I started down a new, less traveled road. While it had its share of detours and potholes, this new road is now smoother and straighter. I had the opportunity last year to spend an incredible amount of time with my two wonderful children and just watching their hearts and minds come to life is an amazing site. I spent two weeks in Haiti and the Dominican Republic after the earthquake ravaged much of Haiti. It was an experience that shaped me forever.

It has also led me to undertake one of the most daunting tasks of my life and that is writing a memoir of my experiences and lessons over the past several years. Although I’m not an English major or professional writer, I have fallen in love with words and how they transfer our feelings and ideas from one to another. While the work is hard and time consuming, writing engages my mind and soul simultaneously. Regardless of any commercial success I may or may not have, I hope I never lose the motivation to capture my thoughts on paper.

This road has also taken me to a new city. In mid-June I moved to Franklin, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. I have always loved the feel of an active and engaged downtown and Franklin certainly has that and more. There is a creative element to Franklin as it is the home to a ton of writers, musicians and artist. If you are traveling through Middle Tennessee, I would encourage you to visit Franklin and nearby Leiper’s Fork.  Both are beautiful this time of year.

It feels great to be back and I hope you’ll check in occasionally and see what I’m doing and how the book is developing. For now, don’t forget to wear all your summer clothes over the next five days.

