Being the Political Editor for The Christian Post many times brings me in contact with the day’s leading newsmakers when it involves national political issues, especially when they cross over into the Christian arena.

If you have paid the least bit of attention to the news the past several days you’ve seen stories or news clips about the comments that Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas made at the Values Voter Summit in Washington last Friday regarding whether The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, as they are more commonly called.

As an evangelical Christian who has read and studied the subject of cults and other false religions, I understood what Dr. Jeffress meant when he described Mormons at a “theological” cult, as opposed to a “sociological” cult. Many who heard his comments had no idea what he was talking about. They only knew he called Mitt Romney’s religion a “cult.”

Yet the issue is not how he defined cults, but rather that he used it at all to describe another religion. Below are three articles we have written on The Christian Post over the last couple of days that may explain the issue in a bit more detail. Two were written by me, the other by my colleague Napp Nazworth, who holds a Ph.D. in Political Science.

Stayed turned. We also plan on writing about what Mormon’s believe and how that differs from Christianity so you can make a more informed decision when you choose who to support for president.