I bet I know what you’re thinking. Hasn’t this issue gone away? I mean, we’ve beat this horse until there’s not much left.
During the Value Voters summit in Washington a few weeks ago, Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress, while being interviewed by a reporter, said Mormonism was a cult and that Mitt Romney was not a Christian.
Yeah, I have an opinion on that too.
After a few thousand stories written from just about every angle possible, the issue kind of came and went. But not really.
Sara Devinish, a fellow reporter at The Christian Post wrote a wonderful three-part series on “What Mormons Really Believe.” She did a great job covering the issue and I think part two of the series is the most informative since she interviews a former member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They don’t like to be called Mormons by the way.
Why is the issue still important?
There are many reasons but the one I feel most important is because if Mitt Romney is fortunate enough to win the GOP nomination, then the same left-leaning media pundits who are so carefully defending him now, will do a “180” and turn on him in a heartbeat.
You won’t be able to turn on the TV without seeing a documentary on Mormon’s, highlighting their past exclusion of blacks and talking about that oh-so popular issue of polygamy (multiple wives).
I’ve also added a link to Dr. Richard Land’s editorial entitled, “Mormons, Christianity and Presidential Elections. http://www.christianpost.com/news/editorial-mormons-christianity-and-presidential-elections-58423/
There’s a lot more to talk and write about in the GOP presidential primary, but remember, you’re going to hear more about the “Mormon” issue in the coming months.