CHARLESTON, S.C. – With less than 48 hours until the South Carolina primary, GOP presidential candidates are hustling about to win over the state’s many still undecided, if not conflicted, Values Voters.
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum stopped in Mt. Pleasant, S.C., this afternoon to try to convince undecided voters why he is their best option. But before speaking to voters, Santorum presented Family Research Council President Tony Perkins with a sweater vest – now a Santorum trademark.
FRC along with The Heritage Foundation are sponsors of the Values Voter bus tour. Santorum spoke at the bus tour’s stop in Mt. Pleasant.
“I would encourage voters to look for core convictions,” said Santorum. It’s one think to talk about values; it’s another to live them – to walk the walk. Plus they need to look for someone who is not afraid to lead.”