[UPDATE] 2/28 4:17 p.m.
Earlier to the NAACP sent an open letter to Rev. Franklin Graham regarding comments he made on MSNBC when questioned about President Obama’s faith. Graham initially he said he would take Obama at his word if he said he was a Christian. The repeated questioning by the host of the program are a prime example of how liberal journalist try to start fights with conservatives.
Franklin Graham responded on Tuesday to criticism from faith leaders in the NAACP who accused the evangelist of questioning President Obama’s Christianity.
“I regret any comments I have ever made which may have cast any doubt on the personal faith of our president, Mr. Obama,” he stated. “The president has said he is a Christian and I accept that (and have said so publicly on many occasions). I apologize to him and to any I have offended for not better articulating my reason for not supporting him in this election – for his faith has nothing to do with my consideration of him as a candidate.”
Graham went further to say he cannot and will not vote for Obama because of his positions on abortion and traditional marriage, which he found to be in “direct conflict with God’s standards as set forth in Scripture.” He also added that he would vote for any candidate, whether a Democrat or a Mormon, who supports traditional marriage.
[This is a breaking news update. Check CP’s earlier story below.]
A coalition of black ministers and the NAACP have blasted evangelist Franklin Graham for his comments that they felt called into question President Obama’s Christian faith. The NAACP issued an open letter on Tuesday denouncing Graham’s comments.
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“As Christian denominational leaders, pastors, and, most importantly, followers of Jesus Christ; we are greatly troubled by recent attempts by some religious leaders to use faith as a political weapon,” the letter reads. “We were disturbed and disappointed by statements made by Rev. Franklin Graham during an interview on MSNBC that questioned whether President Obama is a Christian.”