Yesterday I wrote Part 1 of a series on Dr. James Dobson’s “Building a Family Legacy” conference that was held the last two weekends in June in San Diego.
The entire article can be read here.
The experience being there to witness the filming was a real blessings and I especially want to thank Nancy Lovell and Julie Fairchild (and Michael and Monique) of Lovell-Fairchild for their hospitality in hosting my son and I during our trip to the West Coast.
But before penning the first part I wanted to revisit some of the points I discussed with Ryan Dobson and Joey Paul.
What I found most amazing in listening to the stories of how the first “Focus on the Family” series came about was how God’s hand was all over this amazing ministry in its initial stages.
Joey Paul told of how he first met Dr. Dobson in his tiny two-room office suite after seeking the rights to his radio show, David Nixon told the story of how the “lost tapes” were able to resurface after a secretary who had worked at the production studio in the late 70’s overheard a phone call that led to the find and finally how Dobson’s son Ryan found the tapes at his parents home while looking for some other DVD’s about five years ago.
There is no way you can convince me that God did not bless the original filming (which was seen by over 80 million) and after seeing the final two evenings in San Diego, I am confident he will do the same with the soon-to-be CD’s.
Next, I’ll talk with Danae Dobson, the daughter of James and Shirley and hopefully gain some additional insight from her on what it was like to experience and live the part of the “strong-willed child” that Dr. Dobson mentioned in his books.
Stay tuned.