The DNC is reportedly moving President Obama’s Thursday night acceptance speech from the Bank of American stadium to the smaller, more intimate, Time Warner Arena where Tuesday and Wednesday’s speeches will be held. Reporters joked in the media room on Monday that the DNC was “praying” for rain so he would be speaking to a partially empty stadium.
Another reason for the move is DNC operatives were driving as far as Atlanta to recruit people to show up for the Thursday night event in hopes of filling the huge football stadium. They also planned on busing members of several black churches from North and South Carolina into Charlotte and still, they were having trouble getting enough warm bodies to show up.
What will this mean for the millions watching from their home sofas? Nothing really, other than when the cameras pan the audience they will see a large crowd and producers won’t have to worry about accidently airing empty upper deck seats.
First Lady Michelle Obama speaks tonight. Former White House Chief of Staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will also address convention delegates this evening.