About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Nations Budget on a Napkin

This is great. It's from Gary Johnson's website (Libertarian candidate for pres. who won't win). Nevertheless, it's easy  to understand and yet another reason why the current administration is leading us off a fiscal cliff.

By |2012-09-20T09:09:50-05:00September 20th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on The Nations Budget on a Napkin

10 Reasons I’m More Excited About Jesus Than Politics

Every once in a while a writer reads something and wishes they had written it themselves. For me, this is one of those times. After covering the Democratic National Convention last week in Charlotte and writing about God being out and then back in the party platform, I was reminded that God doesn't care if we put His name in a document. What he cares about is how we worship Him and treat our neighbor. Yesterday I ran across this column by Greg Stier titled, 10 Reasons I'm More Excited About Jesus Than Politics. I think the list speaks for itself. 1. Jesus doesn't lie, exaggerate or use a teleprompter. 2. Jesus doesn't pound us with relentless campaign commercials. 3. Jesus slings love, not mud. 4. Once a person "votes" Jesus in through faith there are no more re-elections! (insert Calvinist joke here.) 5. Jesus doesn't do robocall surveys about my theological views while I'm eating dinner with my family. 6. Taxes? NO! Grace giving? YES! 7. His air force has wings, real wings, angel wings…and that's just cool. 8. He cares for the poor, rich and middle class (I prefer income to class). 9. He is the Prince of Peace but [...]

By |2012-09-09T10:29:08-05:00September 9th, 2012|My Blog Post|1 Comment

There’s an ‘Elephant in the Room’ at Democratic Convention

You’ve already heard that on Wednesday that after taking severe criticism about removing any reference to God in the party platform, Democrats scurried to reinsert language so they wouldn’t have to defend the issue during the campaign. However, they may have drawn more attention to the issue by the way it was handled. But what about the boo’s that resonated from the delegates? Where they actually booing God or just mad about having to give in to criticism from the right? Check out this video clip. Using a popular, non-partisan slogan that means there is a huge issue looming that no one wants to recognize or talk about it, there is still a very large “elephant in the room” that Democrats are desperately trying to ignore. Maybe we’ll start calling it the “donkey in the room.” On second thought, elephant sounds better. As I was walking into the convention hall this morning, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz just happened to be entering at the same time (but not through the same entrance press is relegated to). I asked if she felt the crowd booing the motion to add God and Jerusalem back into the platform would create problems for the party, [...]

By |2012-09-06T11:27:24-05:00September 6th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on There’s an ‘Elephant in the Room’ at Democratic Convention

Prayers for Rain May Have Been Answered as Obama’s Acceptance Speech Moves Indoors

The DNC is reportedly moving President Obama’s Thursday night acceptance speech from the Bank of American stadium to the smaller, more intimate, Time Warner Arena where Tuesday and Wednesday’s speeches will be held. Reporters joked in the media room on Monday that the DNC was “praying” for rain so he would be speaking to a partially empty stadium. Another reason for the move is DNC operatives were driving as far as Atlanta to recruit people to show up for the Thursday night event in hopes of filling the huge football stadium. They also planned on busing members of several black churches from North and South Carolina into Charlotte and still, they were having trouble getting enough warm bodies to show up. What will this mean for the millions watching from their home sofas? Nothing really, other than when the cameras pan the audience they will see a large crowd and producers won’t have to worry about accidently airing empty upper deck seats. First Lady Michelle Obama speaks tonight. Former White House Chief of Staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will also address convention delegates this evening.

By |2012-09-04T15:47:35-05:00September 4th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Prayers for Rain May Have Been Answered as Obama’s Acceptance Speech Moves Indoors

Democratic National Convention Officially Convenes

The 2012 Democratic National Convention is now underway in Charlotte, N.C. and delegates appear ready to hear from a number of senior elected officials and party leaders prior to President Obama accepting his party’s nomination for a second term. I began the day by attending an event sponsored by the Mecklenburg County Republican Party where Congressman Tim Scott from South Carolina and Georgia Commissioner Ashley Bell formally introduced the Black Leadership Council – an effort to increase black support for Mitt Romney. It was interesting to note that Commissioner Bell’s wife was an Obama delegate at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver. He was a Romney delegate from Georgia in Tampa last week. I’ll include more details from the event in a separate article. After arriving at the convention hall, I sat in on the LGBT Caucus meeting where Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told a packed room that if Romney is elected, “a big tide will wash away LGBT rights.” She also said Obamacare was the most significant healthcare program for LGBT Americans. When another speaker asked the group if they were better off than they were four years ago, they stood in unison and applauded. [...]

By |2012-09-04T13:06:12-05:00September 4th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Democratic National Convention Officially Convenes
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