About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

Tea Party ‘Puts Candidates on Notice’ After Court Rules on Obamacare

Within minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court released its ruling upholding the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, Tea Party leaders were announcing an all-out effort to reinvigorate their troops to elect a president and Congress members who promise to repeal the controversial health care law. "The Supreme Court ruled against the American people today," Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder and national coordinator of Tea Party Patriots, told The Christian Post. "The American people overwhelming oppose Obamacare. Now more than ever it is time for the American people to band together and take our government back. Americans agree with what Justice Kennedy said in the dissenting opinion that 'the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety.'" Yet Martin and other Tea Party leaders are also firing shots over the bow of the Republican fleet as a warning that even incumbents or candidates running under a conservative banner would be ousted unless they pledge to repeal the controversial healthcare program. "Mr. Romney, Mr. Boehner: the American people are putting you on notice. You both promised to fully repeal Obamacare. We will hold you to your promises. We are putting all politicians on notice that we [...]

By |2012-07-02T10:31:08-05:00July 2nd, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Tea Party ‘Puts Candidates on Notice’ After Court Rules on Obamacare

Practicing the Art of ‘Bringing Up Boys’ in San Diego

Today my son Roan and I are in San Diego so I can cover a conference this weekend at Skyline Church where Dr. James Dobson is hosting the “Building a Family Legacy” conference. After being extended an invitation to cover the event last month, I decided to take Roan along so he could hear and meet Dr. Dobson, who authored the best selling book, Bringing Up Boys - a staple for parents looking for clues about ushering our young boys into manhood. Dr. Dobson’s 50-year career, most of which was spent at Focus on the Family, has been remarkable to say the least. Few men in the Christian community impacted national policy and the family unit as Dobson has. His soothing voice and solid Biblical teachings have lead thousands (a number that is only my guesstimate) to Christ. Since part of my covering the conference involves a breakfast and one-on-one interview with Dr. Dobson, I thought Roan would enjoy listening to him discuss his career and his thoughts on what the next twenty years holds for families. Roan asked me what questions I planned on asking during the interview and to be perfectly honest, I have not yet prepared my [...]

By |2012-06-29T18:22:09-05:00June 29th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Practicing the Art of ‘Bringing Up Boys’ in San Diego

Politico Coverage of My Story

Today's on-line edition of Politico contains an article that profiles me four others who endured sex scandals during our time in public office. When I was contacted by the reporter last week I was a little hesitant in responding because news sites and reporters are often times looking for "sensationalism" when they report and write on stories like these. I know - I'm a reporter. But I remembered standing next to this reporter when we both covered a prayer breakfast in South Carolina back in January and after speaking with her, decided she would write a fair and objective article and she did. Now that I have met several people (both men and women) who have gone through similar experiences, I am curious how they have handled the intense pressure we all had to endure. And since I've finished my book I don't turn down opportunities to talk about forgiveness and how learning what it really means has changed my life. Here is the link to the article. The bottom line to me was two-fold. First, all of us have said, done and thought things we don't want on the front page of the newspaper. But when you fall short [...]

By |2012-05-21T12:38:05-05:00May 21st, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Politico Coverage of My Story

How Should the Church Love a Gay Couple (or anyone in sexual sin)?

Several weeks ago Pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga. preached part of a sermon series entitled "Christian." To put it mildly, it generated quite a bit of controversy within the evangelical community. My colleague  at The Christian Post, Stoyan Zaimov, described the chain of events in a recent article on the CP website (Pastor Andy Stanley Responds to Questions Over Homosexuality Stance). The sermon in question was delivered on April 15, titled "When Gracie Met Truthy." While preaching on the tension between grace and truth ("the truth is 'you're a sinner,' and the grace is 'I don't condemn you'"), Stanley told the story of a divorced couple who formerly attended North Point together. They separated after the woman's husband began a same-sex relationship with another man, who was still married to a woman. The man and his partner wanted to serve as volunteers at the church, but Stanley explained that the two men were committing adultery since one of them did not finalize his divorce yet and thus could not serve as volunteers. The "messy" story, as Stanley described it, ends with the gay couple, the first man's ex-wife and their child, as well as [...]

By |2012-05-14T12:35:30-05:00May 14th, 2012|My Blog Post|2 Comments

Reasons for Reinstating School Superintendent Rest on Foundation of Sand

Below is an op-ed I wrote for my hometown paper over the county board of education's decision to reinstate the local superintendent of schools after suspending him with pay because of a felony indictment for carrying a firearm on school grounds. By a vote of 8-2, the Hardin County Board of Education rescinded a previous decision to temporarily suspend Superintendent John Thomas after his indictment on a single felony charge of carrying a weapon on school property. In an earlier admission to the board and in a telephone conversation taped by local citizen Jerry Fowler, Thomas admitted to carrying the weapon on school grounds and said he has done so for the last several years. The issue only came to light when a school security officer noticed the weapon on Thomas and notified authorities. The board voted 6-4 to temporary suspend Thomas on March 22 with pay when a temporary replacement was found. Until then, Thomas would remain on the job. During that same meeting the board appointed a committee to find and name the interim and that is exactly what they did. But in some behind the scenes maneuvering, several members of the board apparently got together and decided instead to [...]

By |2012-04-26T09:01:56-05:00April 26th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Reasons for Reinstating School Superintendent Rest on Foundation of Sand
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