About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

Ann Romney Doesn’t Consider Herself ‘Wealthy;’ Cites Compassion From Her Disease

Ann Romney, the wife of GOP front-runner Mitt Romney, said Monday that she didn't consider herself wealthy, and as someone suffering from multiple sclerosis, she now has more compassion for others who are suffering. "[O]ne thing this disease has been for me has been a wonderful teacher," Mrs. Romney said during an interview on Fox News. "And with that comes an ability for compassion for others that are suffering from M.S. or cancer or any disease I feel like I want to throw my arms open and say, welcome to my family and welcome to the place where I've been and, so you know, we can be poor in spirit and I don't look – I don't even consider myself wealthy which is an interesting thing. It can be here today and gone tomorrow…" Moments after the candidate's wife made the comments, media sites including Twitter and blog posts began circulating her comment about not being wealthy. Think Progress, an ultra-liberal website, first reported the story. Click here to read the rest of the article.

By |2012-03-06T12:30:48-06:00March 6th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Ann Romney Doesn’t Consider Herself ‘Wealthy;’ Cites Compassion From Her Disease

Was Obama Biblically, Politically Correct to Apologize for the Quran Burning?

A new debate is stirring on whether President Obama's formal apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the burning of Qurans by U.S. troops stationed in the country was "biblically" correct, "politically" correct or neither. The incident in question began on Feb. 21 when Afghan workers noticed four Quran texts, along with other Islamic books, in a trash pile that coalition workers collected. The books were retrieved from a library at the Parwan Detention Facility because they contained messages used by prisoners to communicate. Obama apologized for the "inadvertent" burning of the Islamic holy book. In light of the protests that followed, more than 30 people, including four U.S. soldiers, were killed. But politics aside, what does the Bible say about Christians apologizing for burning another religion's text? The issue is challenging, even for expert theologians. To read the remainder of the article click here.

By |2012-03-03T13:53:23-06:00March 3rd, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Was Obama Biblically, Politically Correct to Apologize for the Quran Burning?

NAACP Criticizes Franklin Graham Over Comments About Obama’s Faith; Graham Responds

[UPDATE] 2/28 4:17 p.m. Earlier to the NAACP sent an open letter to Rev. Franklin Graham regarding comments he made on MSNBC when questioned about President Obama's faith. Graham initially he said he would take Obama at his word if he said he was a Christian. The repeated questioning by the host of the program are a prime example of how liberal journalist try to start fights with conservatives. Franklin Graham responded on Tuesday to criticism from faith leaders in the NAACP who accused the evangelist of questioning President Obama's Christianity. "I regret any comments I have ever made which may have cast any doubt on the personal faith of our president, Mr. Obama," he stated. "The president has said he is a Christian and I accept that (and have said so publicly on many occasions). I apologize to him and to any I have offended for not better articulating my reason for not supporting him in this election – for his faith has nothing to do with my consideration of him as a candidate." Graham went further to say he cannot and will not vote for Obama because of his positions on abortion and traditional marriage, which he found to [...]

By |2012-02-28T16:09:27-06:00February 28th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on NAACP Criticizes Franklin Graham Over Comments About Obama’s Faith; Graham Responds

Romney, Santorum Not Backing Down on Religious Freedom Debate

GOP frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are continuing to pressure President Obama on issues of religious freedom, and they apparently have the support of conservative political pundits. Grove City College political science professor, Dr. Paul Kengor, in an email interview with The Christian Post said the reason Santorum and the other GOP leaders were standing firm in defending religious freedom, it was because Democrats were forcing the issue. “He's being led by President Obama into this issue,” wrote Kengor. “Rick Santorum, like tens of millions of committed Roman Catholics and evangelicals, has been pushed into this arena by President Obama, compliments of the HHS mandate.” “Like the Catholic Church generally, from the bishops to the laity, he didn't ask for this fight. The fight came to him. He and other Catholics simply want the freedom of conscience they've always had in this nation -- until President Obama assaulted them with this executive decree. Obama's fiat was handed down from the mountaintop in Washington, a commandment to Catholics with no room for compromise.” The religious freedom issue became front and center when President Obama announced a mandate by saying that employers were required to provide free birth control to all [...]

By |2012-02-26T13:49:55-06:00February 26th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Romney, Santorum Not Backing Down on Religious Freedom Debate

‘Guardrails’ Needed to Maintain Proper Boundaries in Relationships

After giving some suggestions in an earlier post as to what those close to a Nashville Metro Council member may say to him and his spouse after his sins were publically exposed, I recalled some guidelines given in a sermon by Pastor Eddie Cupples that would benefit both married couples and single people. Here they are. Five "Guardrails" Married Couples Should Establish: 1) Don't travel alone with members of the opposite sex 2) Don't eat alone with members of the opposite sex 3) Don't hire "cute" members of the opposite sex because you want to help them 4) Don't confide in or counsel members of the opposite sex 5) When you feel your heart or your desire drifting toward someone who is not your spouse, confide in a Christian friend or pastor Pastor Cupples explained that it's also important to know where your spouse wants you to set guardrails for your life. "When my wife advices me I need to avoid certain people in my life, I listen closely to what she is saying. Her instincts in this area are always on target." "Guardrails" for Single's: 1) Apply the Married guardrails in your relationships with other married people 2) No [...]

By |2012-02-24T10:11:23-06:00February 24th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on ‘Guardrails’ Needed to Maintain Proper Boundaries in Relationships
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