About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

Not Just Another Political Sex Scandal

Last week a Nashville, TN Metro Councilman was arrested in an undercover prostitution sting at a Nashville area hotel. Brady Banks, who is serving his first term in his elected position also held a state government job in addition to his public service duties. He announced earlier this week he has resigned from his full-time duties working for the state. Unfortunately, Banks arrest unleashed a fury of media attention unlike anything he has experienced thus far in his short political career. His situation is not the first time an elected official or someone who holds a position of high moral authority – such as a pastor – has found themselves encumbered by sexual sin. History tells us it probably won’t be the last. Banks, who has a Master of Divinity degree and whose wife is an associate minister at an area church, has to face the reality of a series of poor choices that will impact his life for the near term. But what I hope Banks and his wife understand is that it doesn’t have to permanently alter the course of their marriage or their future. No two situations are exactly the same. But after having to endure a [...]

By |2012-02-23T14:31:19-06:00February 23rd, 2012|My Blog Post|1 Comment

Rick Santorum, Jeremy Lin, Attribute Success to Faith in Christ

It’s often said American’s love an underdog in sports and politics. If that’s the case, then there is good reason former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and NBA newcomer Jeremy Lin are riding high. What is ago getting attention is they are crediting God for their success. “I’ve survived the challenges so far by the daily grace that comes from God,” Santorum said shortly after the Iowa caucuses. “For giving me His grace every day, for loving me, warts and all, I offer public thanks to God.” Since then, Santorum has had much to be thankful for. After being discounted shortly after the South Carolina primary in late January, Santorum has steadily risen to the top of state and national polls in the GOP quest for the White House. Lin’s success has taken a similar path. After a standout career at Harvard, few if any thought he would have an impact in professional basketball. Initially signed as a free agent, he was cut by a couple of clubs before being picked up by the New York Knicks. Then, after shooting a winning three-pointer last week to win the game, Lin commented, “I just thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for [...]

By |2012-02-22T10:23:52-06:00February 22nd, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Rick Santorum, Jeremy Lin, Attribute Success to Faith in Christ

Does Santorum Have Evangelical Women’s Vote in the Bag?

Rick Santorum's campaign has taken on a whole new dimension within the last two weeks. His surprise sweep of Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota has placed him front and center in a GOP primary, but he still needs to wrap up a greater percentage of women – specifically, evangelical women. Santorum's legislative credentials on issues such as partial birth abortion and traditional marriage give him tons of credibility within the ranks of female social conservatives. Still, some evangelical women have drifted toward Romney or former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, saying those candidates were best suited to addresshealth care and economic issues and defeat President Obama in November. Now that mindset seems to be changing. Penny Nance, the CEO of Concerned Women for America, has known and worked with Santorum for a number of years. Although the organization she leads doesn't endorse candidates, Nance has personally thrown her support behind the former Pennsylvania senator and she thinks the next few weeks will be a "make-or-break" period for both Romney and Santorum. To read the remainder of the article click here.

By |2012-02-21T08:55:11-06:00February 21st, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Does Santorum Have Evangelical Women’s Vote in the Bag?

Prop 8 Appeal: Will Supreme Court Decide Gay Marriage Once and for All?

Legal scholars say the U.S. Supreme Court may have to decide whether federal court has the power to overturn a state protection of traditional marriage in the wake of the controversial 9th Circuit Appeal Court decision negating California Proposition 8. But it is not clear this is the case that either protectors or challengers to traditional marriage want the high court to decide. American Center for Law and Justice attorney and legal scholar David French says he is somewhat perplexed by last Tuesday's ruling by the 9th Circuit Appeals Court and questions how the Supreme Court would handle the case. "They certainly tried to make the ruling as narrow as possible," French told The Christian Post. "Still, I believe they made a mistake in the sense that when talking about marriage - they discussed the importance of marriage as an institution. Yet they gave no legitimate reason for marriage when advancing the state's interest. I think it only complicates the issue." Click here to read the rest of the article.

By |2012-02-14T10:43:41-06:00February 14th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Prop 8 Appeal: Will Supreme Court Decide Gay Marriage Once and for All?

Evangelical’s ‘Outraged’ by Obama’s Contraceptive Compromise

President Obama's attempt at a "compromise" in his new contraceptive coverage rule seems to have backfired and only further fanned the flames among evangelicals and conservative Catholics. "Southern Baptists and people of other various faith communities are outraged with President Obama's so-called compromise on his administration's abortion mandate," Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, told The Christian Post." To read the remainder of the article click here.

By |2012-02-11T11:13:22-06:00February 11th, 2012|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Evangelical’s ‘Outraged’ by Obama’s Contraceptive Compromise
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