Not Just Another Political Sex Scandal
Last week a Nashville, TN Metro Councilman was arrested in an undercover prostitution sting at a Nashville area hotel. Brady Banks, who is serving his first term in his elected position also held a state government job in addition to his public service duties. He announced earlier this week he has resigned from his full-time duties working for the state. Unfortunately, Banks arrest unleashed a fury of media attention unlike anything he has experienced thus far in his short political career. His situation is not the first time an elected official or someone who holds a position of high moral authority – such as a pastor – has found themselves encumbered by sexual sin. History tells us it probably won’t be the last. Banks, who has a Master of Divinity degree and whose wife is an associate minister at an area church, has to face the reality of a series of poor choices that will impact his life for the near term. But what I hope Banks and his wife understand is that it doesn’t have to permanently alter the course of their marriage or their future. No two situations are exactly the same. But after having to endure a [...]