About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

MSNBC Apologies for ‘Irresponsible’ Reporting on Romney-KKK Reference

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews issued a deep felt apology on behalf of MSNBC over the network’s reporting that the Romney campaign had adopted the slogan “Keep America American;” a slogan that was once used by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920’s. Matthews, who was not involved in the story first reported from MSNBC that originated from a blog post, called the network’s reporting “irresponsible and incendiary.” “During the 11 AM hour on MSNBC we reported on a blog item that compared a phrase used by the Romney campaign to one used by the KKK in the 1920’s,” said Matthews. “It was irresponsible and incendiary of us to do this and showed an appalling lack of judgment. We apologize to the Romney campaign.” The flare-up began when MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts read a post written by gay activist John Aravosis who writes for the liberal Americablog, that read, “Romney’s KKK slogan.” To read the rest of the post, go to: http://www.christianpost.com/news/msnbc-apologizes-for-irresponsible-reporting-on-romney-kkk-reference-64944/

By |2011-12-16T10:46:48-06:00December 16th, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on MSNBC Apologies for ‘Irresponsible’ Reporting on Romney-KKK Reference

Does the Public Have the Right to Know About a Candidate’s Personal Life

Herman Cain may be the latest fatality on the national political scene after announcing he would suspend his presidential campaign on Saturday after allegations of sexual harassment and an on-going affair took their toll. Yet the question remains – how much does the public have a right to know about a candidates personal and family life and how should voters weigh this information when deciding whom to vote for? Penny Nance, The CEO of Concerned Women of America weighed in on the issue with an opinion piece and in a conversation with The Christian Post, saying that yes, “character does and should matter.” “I think the public does have a right to know about a candidate’s personal background,” Nance told The Christian Post. “How a person conducts themselves says a lot about how they are going to lead and govern – not to mention how they think.” “The question before citizens is, ‘Do we have a right to hold elected officials to a high moral standard?’” Nance wrote in her column. While Cain may be the latest public figure to succumb to media revelations, recent history has produced numerous examples on both sides of the aisle. To read the rest [...]

By |2011-12-08T12:00:02-06:00December 8th, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Does the Public Have the Right to Know About a Candidate’s Personal Life

Dr. Richard Land’s Open Letter to Newt Gingrich

During my time in the Tennessee General Assembly I had the pleasure of sharing the stage once with Dr. Richard Land, who is the director of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. In addition, Dr. Land is also the Executive Editor of The Christian Post where I serve as the Politics Section Editor. I recently sat down with Dr. Land for coffee and we discussed a number of political issues, primarily centered around the Republican presidential race. Dr. Land told me he was going to write an open letter to former Speaker Newt Gingrich and below I have included a link to the article. Not only is Dr. Land's advice to Speaker Gingrich timely, but it is exactly what he needs to do in order to show evangelical voters - namely women - that he is indeed sorry for any personal failures that have hurt others in his life. Having a great deal of personal experience in this area, I can truly say that most people - especially those who embrace and understand God's word - will forgive and simply want to see true repentance from those who have fallen short in the public arena. However, the repentance must be [...]

By |2011-12-01T06:42:56-06:00December 1st, 2011|My Blog Post|3 Comments

The Fall to Forgiveness: A Once-Tainted White House Aide Restored by Christ

In 2008, Tim Goeglein was at the pinnacle of success for a then 44-year-old politico. A journalism major who used his communications skills to fine tune the messages of Members of Congress and eventually the President of the United States, he had indeed arrived until he began committing one of the biggest sins in public life – secretly using the work of other writers without attribution. It is called plagiarism and in the world journalism and politics, it seems an unpardonable sin. The fall was swift and painful. That’s because Goeglein not only was in the White House inner circle, he was the face of President George W. Bush when it came to dealing with evangelical leaders nationally. The event attracted the sharpest of criticism from gleeful enemies and the White House could not defend itself. Nine out of ten who fail in this way never recover, either in public life or in personal relationships. Yet Goeglein is now vice president of external affairs for Focus on the Family, just celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary, and enjoys the trust of most of his former colleagues, include the former president. In his new book, "The Man in the Middle: An Inside [...]

By |2011-11-22T17:03:12-06:00November 22nd, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on The Fall to Forgiveness: A Once-Tainted White House Aide Restored by Christ

Rick Santorum’s Moving Confession

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum sat alongside five of his fellow Republican presidential candidates at the Thanksgiving Family Forum in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday and went into unchartered territory when he expressed the painful regret of not seeing fully embracing his youngest daughters disability. It was a story of forgiveness and grace that exposed the human side of candidates who too often need to be seen as “perfect” in the eyes of voters – but none are. Santorum, known for his staunch pro-life and pro-family positions has been struggling to grab the attention of GOP voters outside of his base of evangelical circles. First elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1990 at 32 years of age, Santorum quickly carved a niche as a fiscal and social conservative. In 1994, he ran for the U.S. Senate and was given virtually no chance of winning, however, he prevailed by taking advantage to the conservative groundswell – thanks in large part to the Speaker Newt Gingrich’s Contract With America. As a member of the U.S. Senate, he was the prime sponsor behind the partial-birth abortion bill, was a strong advocate for traditional marriage and led the fight to keep Terri [...]

By |2011-11-21T16:24:27-06:00November 21st, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Rick Santorum’s Moving Confession
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