About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

Marriage & Divorce Rates Troubling in Bible Belt States

(Below is an article I wrote for a national publication in May of 2011) Saying “I do” is easy. Committing to “for better or for worse” appears to be more difficult. Marriage in what is commonly referred to as the “Bible Belt,” the primarily southern and midwestern states known for their more conservative values is in decline and has been for the past two decades. […]

By |2011-05-18T17:00:57-05:00May 18th, 2011|My Blog Post|1 Comment

The Christian Echo of bin Laden’s Death

It was less than twenty-four hours after our government announced the death of one of the world’s most renowned terrorist, Osama bin Laden, when I was attending our monthly men’s gathering at my home church, Grace Chapel, located in Leipers Fork, just south of Nashville, Tennessee. You might imagine the chatter around the dozens of tables as few hundred men broke bread together. Discussion of bin Laden’s death dominated the conversation and opinions varied greatly, but most weighted in on the side of relief, joy and glee. But wait, this wasn’t just any men’s group. It was a gathering of Christian men. […]

By |2011-05-10T20:31:23-05:00May 10th, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on The Christian Echo of bin Laden’s Death

Never Again

(Note: The “Never Again” list was written by James David Snow and is widely circulated on the internet but I don’t know who to credit as the author of the preface below. Regardless, it’s a great reminder on how we as Christians need to think.) Real success in life comes from knowing and acting upon the Word of God. As it states in Joshua 1:8: “This Book of the Law [the Word of God] shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” […]

By |2011-05-05T08:33:54-05:00May 5th, 2011|My Blog Post|1 Comment

A Man of Conviction

Yesterday, the on-line new magazine, Christian Post, spotlighted a bill sponsored by my former colleague, Senator Stacey Campfield of Knoxville. Sen. Campfield’s proposed legislation would forbid public schools from teaching on homosexuality prior to the ninth grade. The bill calls human sexuality a “complex subject,” and would prohibit elementary and middle schools from providing “any instruction or material that discusses sexual orientation other than heterosexuality.” http://www.christianpost.com/news/talks-on-homosexuality-not-for-classroom-says-dont-say-gay-bill-author-49998/ […]

By |2011-04-28T21:49:45-05:00April 28th, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on A Man of Conviction

And he talked too long

Easter Sunday this year was special for many reasons. Most importantly, because as Christians we celebrate that Jesus rose from grave. The day was even more special since I got to celebrate with my two precious children, Roan and Mary Morgan. I am blessed they have true hearts for God and His word at the young ages of eleven and seven. […]

By |2011-04-25T11:02:19-05:00April 25th, 2011|My Blog Post|Comments Off on And he talked too long
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