About Paul Stanley

Paul Stanley is a commercial insurance executive, writer and former journalist living in Memphis, Tennessee.

Social Media Experimentation

Change is something I look forward to – sometimes more than I should. One of my writer friends told me over lunch a few weeks ago that I was one of the few people he knew that seemed to enjoy reinventing himself. For a few seconds his comments took me by surprise, then after digesting what he said, I actually agreed with him. I’ve had to reinvent myself several times in my brief life and this time I know far more than I did the last time I went through such a transformation.  […]

By |2010-09-22T17:29:01-05:00September 22nd, 2010|My Blog Post|1 Comment

Sights, Sounds and Smells

Yesterday the kids and me were riding through Westhaven, a neighborhood in Franklin to pick up our registration forms for the Race For The Cure 5k and fun run. Just as we opened our car doors, my son Roan made an interesting observation. “Daddy, the smell in the air reminds me of fall. It really smells good”.  The day was gorgeous and void of clouds, with temperatures still hovering in the mid-eighties. With only three days to go before we usher in a new season, I want to soak up the last few hours of my favorite time of the year – summer.  […]

By |2010-09-18T18:55:26-05:00September 18th, 2010|My Blog Post|2 Comments

So Paul, where have you been lately?

That’s a fair question. If you’re a close friend or family member, you obviously know the answer, but for those of you who haven’t seen or heard from me in a while, let me bring you up to speed.  I’ve been living – and living for the past few months in one of the most peaceful communities in the south. To say the last year, or rather the last eighteen months have been eventful would be a bit of an understatement – yet for each stream that contains more than its share of twist and strong currents, there is always a little gold buried somewhere under one of her stones.  […]

By |2010-09-10T16:19:16-05:00September 10th, 2010|My Blog Post|1 Comment

The Road Less Traveled

We all have our favorite seasons and mine is definitely summer.  Yes, the heat can be unbearable at times but since I despise cold weather so much, I dare not complain. I think summer teaches us how to handle the heat of life when it becomes unbearable. Sometimes you just need to grin and bear it.  Like the changing of the seasons and the passing of time, the heat eventually subsides. Summer also brings our senses to life. I love the smell, taste and sounds of summer. Meat on a grill, the feeling of sun on my skin (yes, my doctor has told me to wear more sunscreen), the sound of kids chasing fire fly’s and of aluminum striking a baseball and my favorite of all, the smell of fresh cut grass. […]

By |2010-09-01T12:15:07-05:00September 1st, 2010|My Blog Post|Comments Off on The Road Less Traveled

Tiger’s Fall and Rise

By Paul R. Stanley  Since November of last year, the saga of Tiger Woods marital infidelity has consumed the attention of a substantial percentage of Americans who yearn for the intimate details of his and Elin’s personal struggles.  It all began on Thanksgiving night when Tiger crashed his SUV within the confines of his gated community.  When the initial news reports surfaced some of us probably attributed the accident to opening that second bottle of white Burgundy at the dinner table. Overindulgence may have been the cause, but not of a fine and rare vintage of wine.  […]

By |2010-08-27T15:30:23-05:00August 27th, 2010|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Tiger’s Fall and Rise
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