Tensions Between Former Spouses Surface Over Boyfriend Texting Children

Since our divorce was finalized in June of 2010, my former spouse and I for the most part have gotten along quite well. Sure, there are those moments of tension and frustration that creep up at times and until recently a phone conversation or face-to-face meeting would clear things up. But yesterday the conversation took at downward turn over a request I made for another man to stop texting my children.

By |2013-10-29T16:39:47-05:00October 29th, 2013|My Blog Post|2 Comments

Are There Still Enough Value Voters to Turn American Red?

The Family Research Council kicked off their annual Values Voter Summit in the nations capitol on Friday with an all-star line of potential GOP presidential candidates and rising political stars attempting to motivate the social base of the conservative movement. But are there enough "values voters" who will vote to make a difference in the 2014 and 2016 elections?

By |2013-10-14T13:46:25-05:00October 14th, 2013|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Are There Still Enough Value Voters to Turn American Red?

Jordan’s Historical and Christian Sites Are Worth a Middle Eastern Journey

Just the mention of traveling to the Middle East today may raise red flags given all the unrest the region is experiencing. However my recent weeklong tour of Jordan left me with a new understanding and appreciation for a country I can only describe as an oasis of glistening water in an unsettled desert.

By |2013-10-10T22:38:27-05:00October 10th, 2013|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Jordan’s Historical and Christian Sites Are Worth a Middle Eastern Journey

Holly Starr, 20, Uses Own Struggles, Including Body Image, as Inspiration for New Album, ‘Focus’

(Her male track coach made the comment Holly referred to. "You don't look like you did last year" was what he said. Although she insists the comment was not intended in a mean way, it would take her years to overcome the pain associated with that those few words.)

By |2013-09-20T18:25:54-05:00September 20th, 2013|My Blog Post|Comments Off on Holly Starr, 20, Uses Own Struggles, Including Body Image, as Inspiration for New Album, ‘Focus’
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